Tuesday, February 7, 2012

EDU 355 Lab 5

Lab Five: A Spectrum of Ball Handling Skills

1. Use the internet to search for information about turtles and how they live. Turtles have been around for about 230 million years. There were turtles on earth before the dinosaurs came along! They live everywhere on earth except the Arctic and Antarctic.

2. Identify the fitness components being addressed in squad square fitness. Where are these components located in the New York State Conceptual Framework for K-12 Physical Education? In the squad square fitness the fitness components are  muscular and strength endurance while performing the curl-ups and hand walks. Also cardiovascular endurance is being practiced during the step-ups and ski jumps. During all the activities coordination is also being addressed because the squad must be in rhythm with each other. These components are located under the elements of health related fitness and elements of human wellness. They are emphasized mainly in the elementary level, but progress throughout all levels.

3. Prescribe a series of ball handling skills for a second grade boy or girl that is afraid of catching a ball. What kinds of objects might you prescribe for throwing and catching. To start off the student will practice throwing and catching to themselves. They can start off with objects that are smaller and softer, like a bean bag or yarn ball. Have them practice tossing the ball slightly above your head and catching. Progress to higher tosses. Have them grab a ball that can bounce now. They can try to throw up, let it bounce, then catch it. Next could be throwing the ball to the wall and trying to catch it. Once they are comfortable catching smaller softer balls with themselves it will be easier for them to trust catching and throwing with a partner. Foam balls are also good for practice.

4. What are some guidelines you would follow in pairing students for throwing and catching? Having a stimulus variation will help students prepare for the various game conditions they will encounter in everyday play and sport activities. Make sure they always keep their eyes on the ball and call out their partners name before throwing. Progress from softer balls to basketballs in order for high success rate.

5. How would you help a special needs student learn to catch that displays motor control and lack of fine motor control dexterity? If the student is lacking fine motor control dexterity, I would use a larger ball. We could start on the ground with rolling the ball to each other so they see we are going back and forth. We can move to standing and bouncing the ball to each other. Eventually progress to throwing the ball.

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